The PetroClear model 40530W utilizes a 30 micron cellulose media to remove particulate from gasolines and diesel fuels including Biodiesel and ULSD (Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel). Removes a minimum of 75% of particulate 30 micron in size (and approximately 100% of larger particulate). This filter utilizes a super-absorbent chemical that is laminated to the filter media for water sensing capabilities in neat gasoline and diesel applications.
Once PetroClear model 40530W has absorbed 5.9 ounces (175 mil) of water from neat gasoline or diesel fuel, flow will be noticeably slow. The maximum flow rate is 20 gpm (76 lpm). Maximum operating pressure is 50 psid (3.4 bar). Maximum differential pressure is 25 psid (1.7 bar). Collapse pressure is 150 psid (10.3 bar). Maximum operating temperature is 250°F (139°C).