The Veeder-Root 790091-001 provides remote audible alarm via output relays for alarm conditions identified by TLS monitoring systems. Acknowledgment Switch allows operator to remotely turn off audible alarm. Requires a Four-Relay OutputInterface Module or a Two-Input/Two-Relay Output Interface Module in TLS-350 Series consoles. The TLS-450PLUS is equipped with one internal output relay. If more relays are required on the TLS-450PLUS, use UIOM332813-001 (factory installed) or 330020-620 (spare part). The TLS4c and TLS4i are equipped with two internal output relays. TLS-300 Series consoles are equipped with Two-Input/Two-Relays as standard equipment.
Key Features
- Economic solution that allows alerting of multiple tanks
- Periodic testing is easy and does not require spare parts
- Not susceptible to failures from tank tightness or pressure
- Meets revised 2015 EPA UST regulations for overfill protecting equipment when used alone or in conjunction with an automatic shutoff device
- Allows user to program individual alarm levels for each tank onsite
- Weatherproof Construction
- LED Light Bulb with a longer life span, increased energy efficiency and durability, with no UV ray emission and minimal heat generation.